Types of computers. Definition, types, example of computers.

 What is a Computer?

A computer is a programmable machine which can be used for performing calculations, writing text, editing photos and videos, shopping online, playing games, accessing information online, educating the masses, etc. Computers are useful due to their versatility, accuracy, reliability, speed, logic, diligence, memory, objectivity, etc. These help in saving time as it can complete a task in much lesser time.

Types of Computers

We can categorize the computer two ways- on the basis of operations and size.

On the basis of operations

1.   Analog computers process the analog data; such data is continuous and not discrete.

2.    Digital computers work on digital data. Such data has only discrete values, like '0' and '1' or 'ON' and 'OFF'. These can process numeric and non-numeric data. With respect to speed, analog computers are better than digital computers. However, where memory and accuracy are considered, digital computers are better.

3.    Hybrid computers are a combination of analog and digital computers. These have the accuracy and memory of digital computers, and high speed of analog computers. These can process continuous as well as discrete data.


On the basis of size

On the basis of their size, computers can be categorized as supercomputers, mainframe computers, mini computers, microcomputers, laptops, tablets, etc.

Types of computers on the basis of size


·         It can be used for specific purposes in research, engineering, weather forecast, earthquake studies, etc.

·         Powerful processing and performance.


Huge in size

Example: Computer used by NASA for launching satellites. CDC 6600 is known as the first ever supercomputer. China's Tianhe-2' is the world's faster supercomputer.

2. Mainframe computer

      ·         It can be used for recording a huge amount of data.
      ·         It supports multiple operating systems simultaneously.
      ·         Special features include time sharing, virtual memory, and so on.


Large in size

Example: Computers used for recording transaction data at ATM, student data in universities, and other institutes.

3.Mini computer or midrange computer

·         It can support a large number of user accounts.

·         It supports time sharing, batch processing, etc.

·          Used in scientific research, industries, recording data, etc.

·          It is less powerful than supercomputers and mainframe computer.

Less expensive

Relatively compact

Example: IBM mid-range computers.

4.Microcomputer or personal computer

   ·         For small scale use, i.e., the computer we use at our home or office.
   ·         Laptop, tablets, etc., can be carried easily due to their compact size. These can be                    used  for recording user data.


Relatively small

Examples: Desktop, lap top, tablets, smart phones. 

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